
Where are we now

To find out where we are currently cruising go to Curently Cruising  and enter either VE7MWC or VE7JCH in the find at the top of the map ....hit enter and put positions will populate the map .... these positions are reported via our ham radio every time we check for a weather report, talk to other boats, or send an email Blast to friends and family 
    Gone Sailing.... Hubby and I have finally decided to cut the dock lines and sail to Mexico in the summer of 2017 so all items in my shop are now 50% off use Coupon Code GoneSailing      

Happy New Year - What's on the Beading Table this week

After a very busy Christmas with all my craft fair events I finally have a few minutes to finish off a few projects that I started and to start a few new ones.  This week on the beading block (salon table)  I am working on several new hair accessories, some earrings and a couple of bracelets.   Since we live on our boat the salon table acts as my studio and hubby (Mike) has to put up with all my beading supplies laid out for days on end while I finish up what I am working on.  I try to keep it contained so that I can pack up the work into one corner of the table in order that we may eat dinner, but mostly when I am working he has to eat at the navigation station.  Luckily for me he is able to watch TV from that location or I might have to pack everything up. My hair accessory line was very successful this Christmas season, in fact it is probably the fastest selling item that I make, so I am trying to build stock for the spring and summer when I again do ...

Me Bad - Not Blogging Again

I know, I know, I should spend more time with my blog to promote my work, but I always seem to forget after spending hours surfing the web with my Etsy stores, Facebook pages, team pages, twitter feeds, team blog posts and now Pinterest (what did I get myself into) the day just flies by and I find that I have not done any beading which is my passion. This year I also have the added excuse in that we spent the summer refinishing our home Angelique of Vancouver our 34' Coast sail boat.  She got a new paint exterior, new paint interior, new fabric and cushions, new black out curtains for the windows and hatches, refinished flooring.  But that is not all, still to come is new headliners, new electric windlass (for setting the anchor and then for hauling it up, hubby says he won't manually do this anymore as he is getting old), new canvas enclosure, new hard biminy top, new main sail traveler (this helps us control the main sail) new boom vang (controls the boom when jibing and t...

Absent but not Gone, what have I been doing?

I am really quite bad at keeping up with my blog, mostly because I really don't know what to write about or what people (anyone) might want to read on my blog.  I follow quite a few beading blogs from my Etsy Beadweavers team and think I should have written something like that, but then I never do.  SOOO what am I going to write about today, let me see , Uhm, well, I don't really know, hence my absence. Since my last post regalling you with my busy Xmas schedule, I took a break (not from beading) but away in the sun.  My sister and brother in law (refered to as K&T in an earlier post) and my hubby spent almost a month on the garden island of Kauai in February.  My hubby was amazed that I pack up some beads and dragged them off to Kauai, and was even more amazed when I found some Toho beads in ACE Hardware (of all places).  I spent my days laying on the beach getting a great tan, and my evenings drinking MaiTai's and working on the various projects tha...

Christmas Craft Schedule - Angelque Creations

Well it is hard to believe that the Christmas Craft fair season is upon us already. It seems like just yesterday that I was putting in my applications for 2011 Craft Fairs.  I started in January 2011 and jured for many of them in May and June and now the first of the fairs is about to start.  I am in several new fairs this year so I don't know how they will turn out and some I am returning to because they were very good events for me last year.  If you wish to stop in and say hello, here are the locations that I will be attending this year. This weekend November 5 (Sat) is the first time that I will be attending the Terry Fox  Secondary Craft Fair at 1260 RiverGate Road, in Port Coquitlam (all proceeds to After Grad) 9 am to 4pm. Next Weekend Sat & Sun  Nov 12 & 13 I will be attending for the first time Carney Star Craft Fair, Carney High School, 1335 Dominion Ave  9 am - 4 pm both days.  Admission is $1.00 Nov 20  (Sat)-  I will b...

Etsy Holiday Boot Camp

This year I decided that I was going to concentrate on my Etsy Shop to see if I could generate some pre-Christmas sales and joined the Etsy Success team and their Holiday Boot Camp .  This is week 1 and we were tasked with several things to complete: Read this weeks blog post A Flying Start Fill our your Holiday Budget Print out and apply your Holiday Boot Camp stickers to your calender Share your holiday goals Find your Holiday Boot Camp Buddy I have completed all the items on this list and created a few more for me to accomplish this week: Renew items and evaluate for relevancy.  This is the new search mod for finding things on Etsy and I am not so sure that I have gotten the gist of it and so I am spending some time tweeking to see if my work moves up on the Etsy pages.  I still seem to be burried in the back of the pack. Sign up for Search Ads starting Sept 27, budget of $5/week and monitor to see if it is worth the price you pay. Make Poppy pins in preparati...