Featuring Silver Dragon Creations - Patricia Vener
This week I am featuring Patricia Vener of Silver Dragon Creations http://www.silverdragon.etsy.com/ another fellow Etsy Beadweaver Street Team member. It is interesting to me to find out about someone that you have talked with in various forums and learn new ways that you are compatable. I also love Stargate Atlantis, in fact any Sci-fi film or TV show usually catches my interest. Here is what Patricia had to say. 1. What type of art work do you do? I'm a painter who has added bead weaving to her repertoire of media. 2. How did you get started doing art work? Someone gave me a crayon or pencil and I went to town! Among my earliest memories is of visitng a museum when I was four years old and being totally mesmerized by the Native American exhibits of textiles and decorative work. I stood there staring and staring and had to be dragged away. 3. Do you do any other crafts? I have done some small fiber weaving (loom work interestingly enough and I love it), ...
Eva Maria