Ephesos Turkey - A Must on the Bucket List
Recently I have attended memorials for several of my cruising friends and I was reminded that as I get older I will be attending more and more of these events. As I looked at all the adventures that my friends experienced in their lives and how many places that they ticked off their "Bucket List", I wanted to see how many Mike and I have ticked off our list. Last year we did a 3 week whorl wind tour of Europe inclucing a 10 day cruise around the Med. We ticked off quite a few off our list, one of the locations that we visited briefly was Turkey and the ruins at Ephesos. This place is amazing and the architecture of the time boggles the mind. It was a place where Learing Arts and Culture were promenant. Ephesos is famous for it's "Library" structure and for the two ampetheatres. The largest theatre housed thousands of spectators and was built into the side of the hill. Turkey is one of the places that I would like have an extended visit (months not days!)
Since this was one of the only things that we brought back from Turkey, I used the last clay focal to create the necklace for my own personal use and in the colours that I love to wear. The bright orange and bronze Czech Precoisa fire polished beads and Jablonex seed beads remind me of the hot days in Turkey.