Featuring BeadsandBlooms

Here is a little insight into what makes Deb of BeadandBloom tick.  I was doing some research on Deb and found out that she is a SCiFi lover like me.  Hum, I find it amazing that we SciFi lovers seem to flock together in what ever we undertake.  I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy as well and my husband and I have been know to watch all three in one sitting on a rainy weekend.

Here is what Deb had to say:
Is there was any significence to the name of you shop? When I started selling my handmade items I couldn't decide which I liked to do more, beadwork or floral designs, so I decided to do both and became Beads and Blooms.

Tell me a bit more about yourself? I'm a Kansas country girl through and through. I've always lived in small towns and enjoy the rural lifestyle. My day job is being the one-woman office staff for a long term care facility. Creating gives me much needed stress relief.

When did you start beading and beadweaving?  I started beadweaving in the late 80's just to try a new craft. I loved the long fringed brick stitch earrings that were so popular then. So I bought an instruction book, some seed beads and needle and thread and was instantly hooked.

What inspires you? I find inspiration in lots of things, pictures, nature, but probably most from cabochons and beads themselves. I often find myself creating a piece around a focal or a theme.

What is your favorite piece that you created either currently in you shop or one that you have sold? Probably my favorite design is one I called Tears of Joy. It was my entry into an EBW challenge and actually won that month. It sold but here's a link on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/beadsandblooms/2779094773/in/set-72157606430703251/

Do you belong to any organizations? Besides EBW, I am also one of the moderators for a new team on Etsy, Kansas Etsy Team.

Where is your shop, do you have a photo you can share? Do you listen to music or TV while you work? If so what? My bead room is in my basement but most of the time I bring a bead tray or tote up to my living room and bead in my recliner while watching tv or not depending on my mood. Guess I just like to bead with my feet up!!

You can find out more information about Beads and Blooms at http://www.beadsandblooms.blogspot.com/ and I have a facebook business page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/North-Central-Kansas/Beads-and-Blooms/73606362032


beadsandblooms said…
Thanks so much for doing this! Was such fun "seeing my name in lights" so to speak. lol
Dawn N said…
Great interview. I always enjoy hearing about fellow EBW members.

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