Beadweaving in Hawaii - Am I nuts?

While vacationing in Hawaii I couldn't stand it, two weeks with out laying hand to needle, needle to thread, thread to beads.  So I went shopping with my sister and we found some lovely beads to satisfy my fix.  I know I am nuts and I should have been on the beach, relaxing and getting a tan.  I did that but at night in the cover of my room (not quite under the sheets) I would bead.  What would my husband think!!!!  Here is the result.

Mango Bango Bangles, two different bangles that can be worn together or separately.  I learned to weave a tubular spiral herringbone stitch to create these beauties.


Maryanne said…
ooohhh I'm so jealous you even went to Hawaii ... but I'm glad you did coz these bracelets are gorgeous. Love those beadies.

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