My entry for the April Challenge "Light as a Breeze"

Once again the theme for the monthy challenge of the Etsy Beadweavers "Light as a Breeze" has inspired me to create a new entry.  My entry is "Ocean Breeze" and while I was creating the bracelet I wished that I was once again traveling down the coast of Mexico and experiencing those soft Ocean breezes. 

I especially wanted to be south again as our friends on R. Genesis transversed the Panama Canel last week and are now heading up the east coast of Panama and I think why are we not with them.  Oh well someday Mike and I will go again.  In the meatime I sit here and dream of days gone by. 

The voting will start on April 9 and run to the 15th at so be sure that you stop in and vote for your favorite entry.  Once again I think that there will be some amazing work come out of our group.


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