My entry for the "Spring Around the Corner" April Challenge Etsy Beadweavers

Well after finishing my first entry Spring Flowers for the "Spring Around the Corner" Challenge, I decided to send a photo of it to Bead and Button Magazine.  I received an email asking me to send the necklace to them for photographing and possible future publication in the "Your Work" section.  So I of course mailed that sucker out right away.  I don't know that it will get published but it was good to know that they were at least interested.  I had my Day Lilly completed and was trying to figure out if it was too large to make into a necklace, that is why I started and finished the Spring Flower.  I since finished off the lariate and decided that I liked the single Day Lilly even if it was more life size that I had wanted. 

The voting for the "Spring Around the Corner" starts on April 9th and runs until the 15th at  You are as always encouraged to vote for your favorite entry and again there are some outstanding pieces to choose from.


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