Etsy Beadweavers Monthly Challenge "The Secret Garden"

I know that I have been absence since I got back from my vacation in Europe, but I have been busy making new jewelry and the first is my entry to the Etsy Beadweavers monthly challenge.  I created Poppies of the Roman Forum (Palatine Grounds) for "The Secret Garden" challenge because during our visit to the Forum the wild poppies were so beautiful and abundant all over the ruins.   We returned 2 weeks later after finishing our cruise and found that the gardeners had mowed down all the wild poppies, so for me this became my "Secret Garden.  My entry is #2 on the list and the necklace sold almost immediately after I listed it on my online shop AngelqueCreations

The voting starts today July 9 to July 15 and I encourange you to check out the web site Etsy Beadweavers to cast your vote.  My entry is listed as #2 but I encourage you to vote for your favorite as there are many wonderful entries once again.

This necklace sold on July 7, 2010 from my on line shop


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